Black bear eating from my apple tree, August night, 2012

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday: The Cornucopia: Old-Time Hints 2

Here are a few more food-related tips from the book "1,001 Old-Time Household Hints" published by Yankee magazine. This book is jam-packed with tried-and-true helpful information that's very entertaining to read. I checked it out of my library, but it's such a great reference its worth buying for your bookshelf.

Thanksgiving Tomatoes: Any unblemished green tomatoes from your garden in late September or early October can be wrapped in tissue paper and placed in a dry, cool place. Come Thanksgiving, you'll have tomatoes at the perfect ripeness for your holiday feast.

Garbage Pail Punch: Next time you have an outdoor gathering, invite each guest to bring a favorite beverage. As guests arrive, have them pour their offering into a large trash can lined with plastic. The result is a punch that's "never the same twice".

Making pasta salad? A splash of vinegar added to a bowl of pasta makes it easier to stir if you have arthritis (or even if you don't) and will not be detected once the salad is prepared.

Add a few leaves of mint to a steamer full of green peas.

Use a spoon, not a knife, to scrape corn kernels off a cob.

Can't tell if a whole watermelon is ripe? Buy a pre-cut half that shows you its inside.

And finally, if you run out of eggs while baking a cake or quick bread, you may use one egg fewer if you substitute 1 teaspoon baking POWDER in its place.

1 comment:

  1. Great hints and tips. Just enough so I can remember them. Thanks
