Black bear eating from my apple tree, August night, 2012

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday: It’s Not ALL Bad

I assume that many of you are not employed in the conservation sciences, but that you’re still freaking out about the state of the planet. I don’t care if you come from a red, blue, or purple state—political leanings aside, you’re probably concerned about how we humans are sticking it to Mother Nature. Who am I to preach? I drive a car, I take hot showers, I enjoy bananas that get shipped here from southern latitudes (huge carbon footprint on that one. So much for “slow food.”).
As a biologist, I happen to do a lot of reading about environmental issues, and most of the news is bad. Not just bad, but really, really bad. Every once in awhile I run across a study or news article that says that something GOOD is occurring somewhere, and I get so excited. On Wednesdays I’ll try to pass on a hopeful link. Here’s today’s entry: Ten Wildlife Success Stories.  In 1999, I was lucky enough to work at a refuge restoring populations of one of the species in this article—the Mexican Gray Wolf (aka Lobo).

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